Once in a Lifetime: A Review

Luna Phoxx intuitive services review

Hey, Y’all!

Boy, do I have a surprise for you today!

Today’s post is something new, refreshing, and mystical. It is different from my original content yet it falls in line with my spiritual practice – something I tend to keep you myself.

Disclaimer: I received a generous tarot card reading in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

A tarot spread

A Brief Intro

Luna Phoxx

Luna Phoxx is a blogger, established writer, farm owner, and intuitive advisor. After establishing a career as a freelance writer she fancied herself a blog where she offers advice, personal experiences, and guidance.

Intuitive Advisors tap into the frequency of life. They trust their intuition to guide them assisted by magickal tools such as tarot cards, ruins, and crystals, to name a few.

As a certified EFT practitioner, Luna specializes in EFT tapping and reading tarot cards. Couple that with her talent for writing and bam! Services made accessible from the comfort of your own home!!

Calling All Introverts & Busy People

YES!! That was no typo! Luna saw an opportunity and seized it. All of her services are available via email!

I admit I was skeptical in the beginning. I mean, how personalable can email communication be? Well, I will be the first to tell you that any doubts or preconceived ideas I had were blown out of the water. Lauren aka Luna’s attention to detail, knowledge of her craft, and all-around personality dispelled any concerns. Exchanging emails was a breeze. With every email, her knack shone through. Her ability to break down and explain the results of the service I received, made it that much more personalized.

Offers and services on Luna Phoxx are subject to change. This review reflects offers and services available at the time of this review.

Revenge of Eve

Backstory and Forward

I became interested in tarot a little over a year ago and immediately wanted to have a personal reading. For many reasons I was hesitant. My questions outweighed my comprehension so, to not appear an easy target, I held back. And I am glad I did.

As we all know the universe works in mysterious ways. Before I knew it Luna Phoxx and I began interacting. I subscribed to her email list curious about the gift she was offering. Much to my surprise, it was a free 20-minute EPT tapping session and a mini tarot reading! I couldn’t believe it. I scheduled my timeslot and awaited the date.

My free session took place over a Zoom call and lasted the full 20 minutes. There was some awkwardness on my end having never heard of EPT but I followed her lead (not typical of me). She drew me in with her ability to make me feel comfortable. Especially surrounding something of this nature. Her confidence and understanding of this mystical craft mesmerize me. It was evident she is the real deal and not someone looking to take advantage of others. Impressed and intrigued by the viable guidance I received I offered to write a testimony for her website.

Following this experience, I perused her website reading nearly all of her blog posts. (Her website is relatively new, established in November of 2021, and continuing to evolve.) I found that I aligned with how she explained tarot. Its use as a tool, the purpose behind seeking its advice, and also clarifying what it isn’t. Most if not all of my lingering questions were answered.

She accepted my offer for my testimony and countered it with one of her own. An offer to choose from the services she offers in exchange for a review or some link love. Networking at its finest!

Can I tell you that I was beside myself with excitement!! Because of my experience with the free reading, I already decided to save my money to purchase a Wheel of Life reading from her but now…now here she was offering a service in exchange for a review!!! I was mind blown!

Needless to say, here we are. I have officially had my first personal tarot card reading and because of the skilled reader behind my reading, I felt genuinely guided, connected, and seen. From the beginning until the end my experience was exceptional.

I’m an introvert and former ultrarunner with a background in neuroscience — passionate about helping chronic overachievers and creative entrepreneurs find freedom.

Luna Phoxx

My Service Choice

The Wheel of Life is one of the four services Luna offers.

What is a Wheel of Life Reading?

The Wheel of Life is a tarot forecast for the year ahead. This 13-card spread contains five mini-spreads to help you make the most of the coming year. Get insight on all the classic tarot points, including:

  • Money
  • Relationships
  • Spiritual path

You also get 12 mini-readings to correspond to each month!

No question needed!

My Experience

Keep in mind my experience may differ from yours, however, her services are readily available on her website. If you are interested her website is user-friendly and the steps to work with her are clear and concise. Go ahead! Check it out 😉

Setting up my reading was simple. Luna suggested that the reading happen close to or around the time of my birthday. Due to her calendar filling up in December, I opted for early August. Hey! I couldn’t contain my excitement 😂

Saturday, August 6th I received an email with a pdf including a photograph of my personal spread. The pdf includes roughly 1,000 words explaining her first impression and the overall arc of the reading. She then breaks the reading down by combining a few cards of the spread to offer insight into other areas of your life.

I for one don’t like being a novice but worse than that is when technical jargon is thrown around while being new to something. It makes me feel dumb and I avoid that feeling at all costs. Initially, I feared I would be lost reading her interpretation but alas Lauren’s approach and delivery are impeccable.

She uses her writing expertise to go in-depth about the card’s meanings. She explains her intuitive response to how the cards relate to your reading. She speaks in easy-to-understand language. I quickly discovered that she doesn’t claim to be a fortune teller or seer of the future but rather a reader of the story as presented by the cards.

She uses real-life examples to assist you in seeing where or how it fits in your life. She follows her intuitive connection to your reading to encourage you to apply the meanings of the cards where necessary in your life. In hopes of prompting you to seek the guidance delivered through the cards.

At the beginning of my reading, she recommend that I take from the reading what jives and leave behind what didn’t. Don’t force things to fit. After receiving my email reading she extended herself to answer any questions or to clarify any confusion. Despite the distance between us, her availability throughout this experience made me feel secure but the follow-up opportunity made me feel like a valued customer.

So? How’d It Go?

I won’t divulge too many details as these readings when done in tune, tend to get pretty personal. And mine did. I took advantage of the follow-up offer because my reading foresaw some difficulties that I proclaimed to encounter in late 2020 into 2021. I wanted her to clarify the possibility and ensure that I do not go through those hardships again. Instead, she replied so eloquently:

I’m glad the reading was accurate, even if it felt like the timeline was a little off. It makes sense that much of your reading rang true for events in the past. I think part of the tarot’s magic is its ability to highlight the areas where we felt a little stuck or pressed. You might want to give those areas of your life some extra consideration. Ask yourself, “how is this past event affecting me now, and what can I do to prevent it from recurring?”

If you want to get really trippy, remember that time isn’t real. Time is something humans create to stay organized. New physics theories disprove its existence. The calendar rolls over from one year to the next, and seasons change, but the energy imprints of the events that occurred remain within us.

In other words, the memories from 2020-21 that were triggered by this reading are probably still affecting you, consciously or not. We tend to repeat patterns until we extract the hidden lessons within them. Then, we can move on.

These readings aren’t predictions of what will happen in the future. I find that approach disempowering, and I don’t want to step on anyone’s free will. If you don’t want a difficult situation repeating itself, these cards ask you to make a plan. Don’t expect the same thing to happen. Practice asking for your ideal situation instead. That might mean rehearsing difficult conversations with yourself in the mirror, adding your own special spoonful of sugar to sweeten the reception. Maybe it means getting comfortable saying no to small things, so you feel more confident when a big ask arises. These are just ideas. Boundaries are always tricky.

And from her response, I got ugly honest with myself because she is right. Some things still linger that result in the form of a painful lesson. I just didn’t want to admit that to myself. It’s inevitable but not always easy. So I am heeding the universe’s warning because I have learned that lesson. Maybe it’s time I heal that wound once and for all.

I look forward to the rest of my year. Having a pdf to look back on is a bonus and it will be utilized as a compass. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with Luna Phoxx. She is a natural. I could praise her abilities all day. Better yet, how about you connect with her yourself? I am confident you will be impressed!!

How ‘bout You? Where Will the Cards Guide You?

For the record, Luna Phoxx services get my stamp of approval. If you are looking for guidance or genuine advice, I wholeheartedly recommend Luna Phoxx’s intuitive services.

Truck’n Along


I am happy to report a more positive mindset. That is part of depression lessening and part of medication reaching its shelf life in my system. I am about 20 days free from the antipsychotic I was taking.

I have actual feelings. I mean, I feel things in my gut and when I am medicated, that tingle isn’t there. I’ve had two restless nights, my appetite has decreased (common for me), and I haven’t felt irritable. All good signs. I am paying attention to my tolerance levels. How well I tolerate “life” is a good indicator of my stability.


Not too long ago I mentioned making a journal for a co-worker. I said I would take photos but I didn’t. Damn laziness. Well, the receiver of the journal has commissioned me to make two for her daughters. She will gift them at Christmas. The two are close in age and are pre-teen (12ish). Lucky me I have some covers and signatures already sized for one another. All that they require is binding and embellishments. I am pleased with the content of the pages for a teen journal. There is plenty of room that encourages writing. Most, if not all, of the pages have ruling on them and are bright white. My design theory says that teens aren’t so into vintage so the white paper is perfect! (I could be wrong) I’ve chosen a solid color to decorate with throughout each journal. One seafoam green and the other purple.

A girls face mixed media project
Mixed media journal page by me

Idol Time

During my downtime, I have taken to YouTube. Would you consider that social media? Just curious. I feel it is more of an instructional platform but that’s neither here nor there. I mention this because I stumbled upon a DIYer who has like 77k subscribers – that’s a lot – and aside from her videos I looked at her comment section. One video had over 200 comments and she liked like the first 3-5 comments and did not reply to one. This irks me enough to be here discussing it. First of all why even have the comment section available if you aren’t going to chat with your fans? They are obviously fans or they wouldn’t be subscribed. Amiright? Second of all how does someone have that many followers when they do not engage with the community?

I don’t subscribe to just anyone’s account. I am particular. But I accidentally hit the subscribe button while on her channel. I immediately unsubscribed because I hadn’t seen enough of her channel. That’s when I ventured into the comment section and saw her lack of engagement. Just from that alone, I will not subscribe to her channel. And it’s sad because she had some decent content, at least that’s what I saw from watching three of her videos. I know my follow doesn’t make or break her. She is established and kudos to her but how? From content alone? Am I expecting too much from a stranger who offers inspiration in the DIY community?

I’ll be honest, I just think it’s rude as hell to not at least like a complimentary comment. I mean, every comment left encouraged her to keep creating, continue doing what she does, etc… All positive, confidence-boosting love and nothing. No response from her. Like, how dare her. How? Why? 🤔 I literally stopped what I was doing to add this to this post. I wanted to put it in her comment section but I thought what’s the point? Seeing this infuriates me and yet it’s none of my business.

What I can do is come to the platform I use and express my gratitude to those of you who care to read what I have to say. No, I don’t offer step-by-step instructions on how to do something. Hell, I don’t even share science-backed information. I’m just a woman sharing her story and perspective of the world. The most important aspect of sharing is acknowledging the audience who encourages me, supports me, and interacts with me. That’s the least I can do. So with all that said, thank you to each of you who read, comment, or like. I will always keep the mindset of y’alls importance to my space. I appreciate the time you borrow from your day to read what I have to say.

Creative Fun

Moving on. I am determined to learn to draw a face (seen above). I have been practicing different styles of noses, eyes, and lips. I haven’t quite got the hair down yet or the ears but those will come in due time. Here are a few sketches I’ve done. I am obsessed with drawing them 😂

Not too shabby for a beginner if I do say so myself. Progress, not perfection. I am teaching myself highlight and contour via make-up tutorials on Pinterest. Really I am just using the images of a few pins to guide me. I’ve done a little shading but I am not familiar enough to shade a face using a pencil. I will, however, use vibrant oil pastels, using light and dark variations of the same color. You can see that in the first photo. I am super proud of her. I like her.

Well, that’s about it for me. How ‘bout you? Don’t forget to share your opinion about the YouTube hoopla. Am I being over-dramatic?

How Self-Aware Are You: Part 2

How Self-Aware Are You?

Motivation and Desire

Welcome back to the discussion about self-awareness: The most important aspect of self-improvement (IMO). The starting point of a rewarding yet emotional journey.

Find Part 1 here

In our previous discussion, we expanded on the definition of self-awareness. We explored character traits and feelings. Part 2 of this two-part series will dive into motive and desire. As a refresher let’s define self-awareness.

Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motive, and desire.


For reference sake, let’s define what motive is. According to Oxford Language, motive is a reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious.

Keep in mind that these topics can be interpreted a million ways. Both parts of this series are meant to be basic and a stepping stone to start your personal journey of improvement. Remember I am not a licensed therapist.

((Full disclosure: I lived sick in this area of my life more than I’ve not. I have grown significantly, however, my objective view on motive is skewed and underdeveloped…Soooo instead of wasting your time, I did some reading and this is what I gathered about motive 🤓))

Photo graphic of post title

Guess what?? I suggest using pen and paper to list your motive(s)? Write em down. Next to it – be honest – write pro or con.

Princeton WordNet offers a more descriptive definition of motive. One that I align with.

the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior.

123test.com says this: motives are about what sets people in motion. For example, are you more interested in autonomy and individual freedom or is it power and status that drive you? The following motives are commonly distinguished:

  1. Financial reward: importance one attaches to high income, materialism;
  2. Power and influence: desire to be able to lead or influence other people and events;
  3. Altruism: contributing to the bigger picture and making one’s own financial interests or other interests secondary to this;
  4. Self-development: work in which there’s room to develop yourself further;
  5. Creativity: coming up with new ideas or products, being actively involved in creation;
  6. Social contacts: conviviality and friendship;
  7. Autonomy: independence and being able to make decisions oneself;
  8. Security: holding long-term security in high regard, e.g. pension, permanent income and one’s own house in which one can continue to live for a long time;
  9. Status and prestige: impression or appearance is the more important motive, e.g. through money or a specialisation;
  10. Variety: plenty of different types of work;
  11. Structure: work that consists in set routines and tasks;
  12. Influence: being able to determine what other people have to do and influencing decisions;
  13. Work-life balance: work that fits in well with your personal life and ties in favourably with your free time;
  14. Working conditions: nice workplace, nice building, nice location, favourable working conditions.

Use the above information to guide your list. I will do the same. Moving on.


a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

Forgive me as I work through this aloud. I’m afraid it is hard to differentiate between desire and motive. By definition, desire is a feeling whereas motive is a reason. Still, close, to me. And since this post is meant to be informational, I Googled it 😉

My Findings

Ironyoflife.com has this to say:

Desire and motivation are not the same thing. Desire is wanting to do something, but motivation is making it happen. You need a desire to have motivation, but you do not need motivation to have a desire.

“When we talk about our goals, we usually define them in terms of why they are our goals and how we’re going to achieve them. To describe them this way, we tend to use the words “motivation” and “desire” interchangeably.”

Yeah, what they said 😉

I strongly encourage you to read the article I linked if you want to explore further. And that’s about it for part 2 of this two-part series. If you find yourself unsure of where to start your self-improvement journey, start with self-awareness. The key is honesty, acceptance, and kindness. One step at a time.

Until next time. I hope this post inspires you to begin.



It Persists. I Create.

Depression is kicking my ass. I keep reminding myself this shall pass. It persists. Confirming it’s impression from days of past. No definite of how long this episode will last. It’s depth, vast. A shadow is cast.

Collages pieces with the word empathy
A collage page from my journal

Often I am asked, what is wrong? Or what does depression feel like? Unfortunately, I have no answers but I’ll give it a go. It is constant. It is like an itch that cannot be scratched. There is a feeling there but no words to describe how it feels. If I had to choose a word I’d say, for myself, numb. Then I ponder if numb has a feeling considering… Void of feeling. Yet there is a feeling. Oh I got it!! It’s like white noise or static. It isn’t loud enough for others to hear. A constant hum that lingers despite tuning it out. Trying is describe depression is similar to catching a hummingbird. It’s a feeling rather a noise. A consistent noise that only you can feel.

A drawn door on the left and a gratitude sticker surrounded by paint
A spread from my journal


My creativity is at an all time high (not counting the past week spent in bed). What I love the most about using paper to create is if you don’t like what you created, you can use layers to cover it up and start over. At the beginning of July I decided I wanted to start carrying my passport size travelers journal. I did so to encourage creating on the go and to have a place for the random daily papers I sometimes accumulate. It’s worked out well. I will most likely continue carrying it. I themed this month’s mini journal “play”.

No rules text
Words clipped from magazines make great journal pages

It has encouraged me to play using my creative mind. I think that’s where we go wrong as adults. We quit playing. I am guilty and I would like to apologize to myself for having stopped play.

While I am at it

I would also like to formerly apologize for discontinuing Monday Morning Mantra without notice. I’m not so certain those posts were a hit but if you liked them, my apologies. When I am in a slump the first thing to suffer is my productivity. And having a set posting schedule is part of a productive routine.

A collage with a girl and the word journal clipped from magazines
Just me, playing

Wrap’n it Up But First

I am fortunate to have a support system for when I am muddling my way through. I mean they are always there but more so during times of uncertainty. For instance, my Baby Momma (daughter’s step-mom) dropped in a random hello, how are you? Now she has seen me at my worst and still comes around yet only when it seems necessary. We have a soul connection. Perhaps I beckon her when I am down. Who knows but I do know that speaking with her and seeing my mother are about the only 2 things that counterbalance the yuck. I think it’s important to recognize such connections. During this episode I’ve also noticed the growth in my relationship when it comes to support. It has evolved. Just by acknowledging these two scenarios I bring light to the darkness that encompasses me. I think that’s a beautiful thing.

Ok, ok, okay

This post is all over the place so if you made it this far, thanks! It helps me to process by writing things out and lucky you, this is my soundboard. I went outside of my comfort zone and shared some photo’s from my journal for your viewing pleasure in hopes of it lessening the agony of reading my dribble. I’ve fallen behind on the newsletter but my intentions are to send some words that route soon. Don’t miss out. Subscribe!

How are you holding up?? Is the heat wave affecting your area?

Monday Morning Mantra

Welcome to Revenge of Eve’s


Each Monday I shuffle and draw two cards from two sources, a box set and a deck. The box set boasts encouragement, self-love, goals and focus while the deck affirms our individual power. I then use the two cards to guide me throughout the week. I place the cards on my refrigerator as a visual reference and I write them daily in my journal as written reference. If I find myself experiencing unwanted emotions or challenging thoughts I refer to the cards drawn. I have found this to be an empowering and powerful exercise. One that I decided to share with my readers.

My genuine desire to serve clears the path for me to step into my purpose

Over the years having a purpose has come into question. I came to the conclusion that each of our purposes involves being of service. Have I found my purpose yet? No but I damn sure hope all I have grown through has cleared some of the overgrown mess that has got in the way. I like to think I am on my way. This affirmation helps guide me to be of service. I also recognize that my part is needed to clear the path. This affirms my accountability.

Becoming the best version of me

I love how this week’s cards coincide; again! Once we are serving our purpose, doesn’t that bring out the best in us? Well, the above encouragement seems to think so. And like I said, I am on my way … I am becoming the best version of myself. It takes accountability, self-awareness, self-love, and compassion for us to evolve. I see life as a constant state of change so when we arrive we find there is always more. More ways to lead with love. More ways to love our neighbor. More ways to be of service. More to grow, therefore, we are always becoming. Take the pressure off finding your purpose by affirming that what you do now is clearing the path to become the best version of yourself.

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Monday Morning Mantra

Welcome to Revenge of Eve’s


Each Monday I shuffle and draw two cards from two sources, a box set and a deck. The box set boasts encouragement, self-love, goals and focus while the deck affirms our individual power. I then use the two cards to guide me throughout the week. I place the cards on my refrigerator as a visual reference and I write them daily in my journal as written reference. If I find myself experiencing unwanted emotions or challenging thoughts I refer to the cards drawn. I have found this to be an empowering and powerful exercise. One that I decided to share with my readers.


Maintaining our hygiene is one of the best ways we can show ourselves some love. This includes our work/life balance and our sleep routine. How can you radically love yourself this week?? Quiet time, a movie, creative time in your studio. These are a few ideas to get your juices flowing.


Speaking of love…how ironic this weeks encouragement is more self-love!

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A Benchmark: 1,000 Followers

Thank You to All Who have Joined my Journey

I must admit, I wasn’t sure this day would happen. There have been times I was close to 1,000 and then followers dropped. I never sought out why. I just assumed bots played a role so I wished them farewell. July marks five years for R.O.E. and I would be lying if I didn’t disclose inept feelings of failure as far as growing a following are concerned. However, the gratitude I have for the intimate, engaged community that follows my journey far outweighs the insidious low self-esteem that occasionally creeps in.

Thank you to all 1,008 of you who follow!

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