Monday Morning Mantra

Welcome to Revenge of Eve’s


Each Monday I shuffle and draw two cards from two sources, a box set and a deck. The box set boasts encouragement, self-love, goals and focus while the deck affirms our individual power. I then use the two cards to guide me throughout the week. I place the cards on my refrigerator as a visual reference and I write them daily in my journal as written reference. If I find myself experiencing unwanted emotions or challenging thoughts I refer to the cards drawn. I have found this to be an empowering and powerful exercise. One that I decided to share with my readers.

My greatest experience of freedom comes when I let go of what others think of me

I learned a saying a while back, What others think of me is none of my business. This is true as is this week’s affirmation. What others think about us has nothing to do with us but rather their perception of who we are. Just because others have an opinion does not make it our truth. What one person sees as pushy another will deem assertive and another, a leader. We are perceived through varying filters therefore it is more important that we let go of the opinion of others. Our freedom relies upon it.

Keep shining your light

Other people may try to extinguish your flame with their perception of you. Never let someone dull your light. Keep shining bright!!

Have a happy week!!

Monday Morning Mantra

Welcome to Revenge of Eve’s


Each Monday I shuffle and draw two cards from two sources, a box set and a deck. The box set boasts encouragement, self-love, goals and focus while the deck affirms our individual power. I then use the two cards to guide me throughout the week. I place the cards on my refrigerator as a visual reference and I write them daily in my journal as written reference. If I find myself experiencing unwanted emotions or challenging thoughts I refer to the cards drawn. I have found this to be an empowering and powerful exercise. One that I decided to share with my readers.

My genuine desire to serve clears the path for me to step into my purpose

Over the years having a purpose has come into question. I came to the conclusion that each of our purposes involves being of service. Have I found my purpose yet? No but I damn sure hope all I have grown through has cleared some of the overgrown mess that has got in the way. I like to think I am on my way. This affirmation helps guide me to be of service. I also recognize that my part is needed to clear the path. This affirms my accountability.

Becoming the best version of me

I love how this week’s cards coincide; again! Once we are serving our purpose, doesn’t that bring out the best in us? Well, the above encouragement seems to think so. And like I said, I am on my way … I am becoming the best version of myself. It takes accountability, self-awareness, self-love, and compassion for us to evolve. I see life as a constant state of change so when we arrive we find there is always more. More ways to lead with love. More ways to love our neighbor. More ways to be of service. More to grow, therefore, we are always becoming. Take the pressure off finding your purpose by affirming that what you do now is clearing the path to become the best version of yourself.

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A General Life Update


How are you?? Thanks for stopping in today for a little life update. It’s been a while. As the Memorial Day holiday has passed, songs of summer are being sung. Birds corral our bird feeder, the tree frogs sing us to sleep, and the highways are bumper to bumper with travelers. It appears that society is waking up after two years of isolation. At least that is how the buzz feels to me. Alive.

That is how I feel.


My S.A.D. season is in the rear view mirror and I … made it through unscathed. No deaths, accidents, or tragedy (except Ukraine situation). My personal scope of life is expanding after months of hibernation. I feel well rested and ready to take advantage of the summer however possible. Over the last month or so we’ve potted multiple plants, maintained the yard, and have added small touches of landscaping. The smallest detail makes a world of difference.

Biggest news is the addition to our family!! We rescued a puppy. Like literally off the side of the road. Someone abandoned her and we rescued not long after. I say that because she wasn’t in distress, matted, or exhausted when we found her. We put out posters with her picture on it to no avail. Three weeks after fostering her I decided to take her to a local no-kill shelter. Fast forward to the day I was scheduled to drop her and I couldn’t. We had already fallen in love. Maggie aka Moo is a mix of life, mischief, and love. She has been received with love.

It’s already hot here in Louisiana and my car ac has started to act up. Last April while dashing I flooded my car in a torrential downpour. I am lucky to know a mechanic that was able to salvage my car because neither my insurance or DoorDash would cover the accident. Long story but I was screwed nonetheless. Now a year later and my ac works when it wants to and in Louisiana that equals misery. It isn’t something I can just deal with by rolling the windows down. My medication raises my body temperature making it dangerous for me to get too hot. Fingers crossed I get it fixed sooner than later.

My sister got married on the 14th of May and it was a beautiful ceremony filled with love. Guests enjoyed the deejay, dancing the night away. The kids stayed at the photo booth printing photos of themselves with silly props. The bride and the groom mingled and took tons of photos! It was the event of the century🤓 So now I have a brother-in-law!

There is a lot that has happened and I’m sure they will come to mind after I publish this post ☺️ I’ll go ahead and wrap it up here. I hope you are enjoying the series Monday Morning Mantra. If you want more frequent life updates, subscribe to receive the Garden newsletter.

Monday Morning Mantra

Welcome to Revenge of Eve’s


Each Monday I shuffle and draw two cards from two sources, a box set and a deck. The box set boasts encouragement, self-love, goals and focus while the deck affirms our individual power. I then use the two cards to guide me throughout the week. I place the cards on my refrigerator as a visual reference and I write them daily in my journal as written reference. If I find myself experiencing unwanted emotions or challenging thoughts I refer to the cards drawn. I have found this to be an empowering and powerful exercise. One that I decided to share with my readers.

Affirmation card I release my need to be right. I am defenseless and at peace
Be kind to yourself

This week the cards are pretty self-explanatory. It is my hope that you use them this week to affirm your peace and encourage kindness. If you find yourself in an unfortunate argument or misunderstanding, take a step back…breathe…and release the need to be right. Perhaps the other party is having a rough day. Take the context clues of the situation and evaluate if you can step down, have some compassion, or be kind enough to yourself to walk away. There are many circumstances to where you can apply action to this weeks affirmation. Hone in on mindfulness and buckle down with kindness. You’ll be sure to have a wonderful week.

What challenges can you apply action to this week? Can you expand your display of kindness to yourself this week?

A Benchmark: 1,000 Followers

Thank You to All Who have Joined my Journey

I must admit, I wasn’t sure this day would happen. There have been times I was close to 1,000 and then followers dropped. I never sought out why. I just assumed bots played a role so I wished them farewell. July marks five years for R.O.E. and I would be lying if I didn’t disclose inept feelings of failure as far as growing a following are concerned. However, the gratitude I have for the intimate, engaged community that follows my journey far outweighs the insidious low self-esteem that occasionally creeps in.

Thank you to all 1,008 of you who follow!

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Monday Morning Mantra

Welcome to Revenge of Eve’s


Each Monday I shuffle and draw two cards from two sources, a box set and a deck. The box set boasts encouragement, self-love, goals and focus while the deck affirms our individual power. I then use the two cards to guide me throughout the week. I place the cards on my refrigerator as a visual reference and I write them daily in my journal as written reference. If I find myself experiencing unwanted emotions or challenging thoughts I refer to the cards drawn. I have found this to be an empowering and powerful exercise. One that I decided to share with my readers.


Asking for help is not being needy. You may be surprised by the eagerness others display when asked for help. If your plate is full, I challenge you to ask someone to help you. This can be done by delegating a simple task to a coworker or asking the family for help with the household chores. It doesn’t require a crisis to reach out for help.


With every morning comes new possibilities. We decide what we allow. Are you open to new possibilities? Do you welcome them? Subtle or more obvious adjustments can make a world of difference in our daily routine but you must be willing to receive them to reap the benefits.

7 Things I’ve Learned in 7 Years of Sobriety

7 years sober!

Typing that seems surreal. For the seventh anniversary of my sobriety I thought I would conjure a nifty list that may help those new to sobriety. Below you will find seven things I’ve learned in seven years of sobriety.

For clarity sake, when I say alcoholic that includes drug addicts too. Alcohol is a drug. Vice versa.

Live life on life’s terms

This is said throughout the sober community as a way of expressing the acceptance of loss of control. The reality is our control is limited and sparse. Living life on life’s terms is a cliche way of saying accept what you cannot control.

The desire fades

The desire to use or drink fades with time. This isn’t to say that there will not be difficult days full of triggers rather the more time away from your substance of choice, the less you will have cravings.

The world continues to turn

Unfortunately just because we quit drinking doesn’t mean that anyone else will. The reality is there will be people you will come into contact with who will not understand your allergy to alcohol. Same with the sell of alcohol. It will continue in the form of advertising, sports viewing events, and bbq’s.

This too shall pass

The agony of a sober life will lessen as you continue on your journey. The resentments will be resolved, the regrets fade, and genuine apologies are accepted. The pain of your drunken actions will soon be a distant memory.

One is never enough

It’s simple. Keep it that way.

A drink/drug is never the answer

You end up where you were when you left off. Period. It isn’t fun. Not for an alcoholic.

Normal is boring


If you are new to sobriety, congrats! It gets less painful, I promise. Keep your head up. And most importantly, keep it simple. Thank you to all of you for your continued support along my journey. Without it I wouldn’t have made it this far.

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